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기술특허현황/교토 베데스다 클리닉과 기술협력관계를 맺고 있는 RNLBIO의 줄기세포 연구성과입니다.

줄기세포 기술 특허를 보유하고 있는 RNLBIO


  • 성체줄기세포와의 공동배양을 통한 조혈모세포의 배양 및 증식방법
  • 인간 지방조직 유래 다분화능 줄기세포 및 이를 함유하는 세포치료제
  • 태반 조직 유래 다능성 줄기세포 및 이를 함유하는 세포 치료제
  • 인간 양막 상피세포 유래 성체 줄기세포의 분리 및 배양방법
  • 인간 지방조직 유래 다분화능 줄기세포, 섬유아세포 및 지방 또는 지방세포를 함유한 피부미용 또는 성형용조성물의 제조방법
발명의 명칭
  • 利用子宫内膜细胞的造血母细胞或前驱细胞的培养或增殖方法
    (A method for culturing and proliferating hematopoietic stem cell and progenitor cell by using human endometrial cells)
  • 人类脂肪源多分化能干细胞以及其细胞治疗剂
    (Multipotent Stem Cell Derived from Human Adipose Tissue and Cellular Therapeutic Agents Comprising the Same)
  • 具有Oct4发现能源多分化能成体干细胞及其制造方法
    (Multipotent Adult Stem Cells Having an Ability of Oct4 Expression Derived from umbilical cord blood and Method for Preparing the Same)
  • 脐带血源多分化能干细胞以及含有此细胞的缺血性坏死疾病干细胞治疗
    (Multipotent stem cells isolated from umbilical cord blood and the cellular therapeutic agent comprising the same for treating ischemic disease)
  • 参与神经干细胞的自体再生剂以及分化的NPC1基因及用途
    (NPC1 Gene Concerned in Self-renewal and Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells and Use Thereof)
  • 胎盘组织的多分化能干细胞及其含此细胞的细胞剂
    (Multipotent Stem Cell Derived from Placenta Tissue and Cellular Therapeutic Agents Comprising the Same)
  • 人类脂肪源多分化能干细胞,纤维芽细胞以及含有脂肪或脂肪细胞的皮肤美容或整形用治疗剂的制造方法
    (Method for Prepating Cosmetic or Plastic Composition for Skin Comprising Adipocyte, Fibroblast and Multipotent Stem cell Derived from Human Adipose Tissue)
  • 人类脂肪源多分化能干细胞,纤维芽细胞以及含有脂肪或脂肪细胞的皮肤美容或整形用治疗剂的制造方法
    (Cosmetic or plastic composition comprising multipotent stem cells dericed from human adipose tissue, fibroblast and adipose or adipocyte)
  • 羊膜源上皮干细胞的培养方法及从此获得的上皮组织形成用细胞治疗剂
    (A method for culturing amnion based epithelial stem cells and epithelial stem cells as wound treatmentent obtained from this method)
  • 通过与成体干细胞共同培养的造血母细胞的培养和增殖方法
    (Method for Culturing and Proliferating of Hematopoietic Cells Through Co-culture with Adult Stem Cells)
  • 利用自体毛囊细胞的发毛促进及其组成物
    (Hair reproducing stimulant using autologous hair follicular cells and composition thereof)
  • 包括间充质干细胞的肝纤维化或肝硬化症的预防以及治疗用药学成分
    (Pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating liver fibrosis or hepatic cirrhosis comprising mesenchymal stem cell)
  • 含有脂肪源干细胞的四肢末端部缺血性疾病的细胞治疗用组成物
    (Composition for Treating of Ischemic Limb Disease comprising Stem Cells Derived from Adipose Tissue)
  • 利用CD34阳性干细胞制造T淋巴球前驱体的方法
  • 人羊膜上皮细胞源成体干细胞的分离及其培养方法
    (Method for Isolating and Culturing Adult Stem Cells Derived from Human Amniotic Epithelium)
  • 含有脱落膜或脂肪源干细胞的尿失禁的细胞治疗剂
    (Celluar Therapeutic Agent for Incontinence of Urine Comprising Stem Cells originated from Decidua or Adipose)
  • 含有人体脂肪源多能干细胞的培养物及其提取蛋白质的化妆料用成分
    (Cosmetic composition Comprising Matrials cultured Multipotent Stem Cells Derived from Humam Adipose Tissue and Proteins extracte therefrom)
  • 含有猪胎盘组织源干细胞的培养物及其提取蛋白质的化妆料用成分
    (Cosmetic Composition Comprising Matrials cultured Adult Stem Cells Derived from Swine Placenta Tissue and Proteins extracted therefrom)
  • 含有胎盘源干细胞的烧伤治疗用成分
    (Composition Comprising Derived Placenta-Drived Stem Cells for Treating a Burn Wound)
  • 诱导多能性感细胞的制造方法
    (Method for Preparing Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
  • 含有人源性成体干细胞的抗癌用成分
  • 诱导脂肪源成体干细胞移动的方法
  • 毛囊干细胞的大量增殖方法
  • 含有干细胞定制化妆品提供组织及提供方法
  • 诱导脂肪源成体干细胞移动的方法
  • 干细胞的安全性增进用成分